Saturday, November 21, 2009


Nowadays almost people on earth knows the wonderful thing or one of the greatest creation of technology, the INTERNET. In just simply clicking the mouse, you will see the entire world, and it seems that you almost there, That's how wonderful the internet is. These great opportunity grab by the businessmen, But the very essence is, what are the contribution of the internet into the business? or what is the the impact of the internet in the business?
Now lets dicuss the impact of using the internet into business, first it help the company to have direct connection to their customer and client, and also to other partner companies and other social organizations, with these, the compant now intensify their relation to these people.
Secondly, It can reduce the operating cost and that can result to more revenues, Why I say it so? these is because for instance in advertising your product, hiring product edurser or product agent are no longer necessary. In the internet, you can now advertise your product in ceative way of discussing the features.
Internet also gives pressure to the business establishment, they want to go in the flow, just to survive for the fact that internet is very rampant to other compititor. they believe also that it could bring them into high growth and development, an evidence of these is the success of the networking business via internet.
With all those thing stated above, we will no longer get shocked a years from now when all establishment is being run by the internet.

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